Monday, May 15, 2006

Avast, gentle readers. To starboard find a graven image of The Captain, your Ahab in these unseaworthy days of metrosexuals run amok. He is Oracle and Enforcer of the Man Code, as you will shortly see. If ye dare, venture further into what lurks below. But remember: whiners, the politcally correct, the damnably insolent, the half-educated and presumptuous, and the congenitally indecisive, as well, must all walk the plank once brought before the mast aboard The Mighty Houdini.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger The Captain said...

The Captain was navigating treacherous water when the XO decided to take that shot. Seems she thinks it funny to razz the Captain when at his most flustered.

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Zen said...

That is in the wife's code, I think it is section 3.a line 14.b

At 1:39 PM, Blogger The Captain said...

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At 1:47 PM, Blogger The Captain said...

No woman ever needed a code by which to regulate themselves: they are unruly by nature, and do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it. Likewise, no woman would suffer having her inclinations or methods codified for review by others--particularly by men. To submit themselves to such regimentation or the possibility of being judged against their own standards would be, ipso facto, a tacit renunciation of the independence and whimsy to which they think themselves not only entitled, but of which see themselves as Nature's Embodiment.


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